Standard Treatment Before definitive treatment, pheoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline) is given to block the action of the hormones produced by the tumor . Because rather specific, specialized and vital medical management is essential before surgery or any other treatment is given, an endocrinologist is usually involved and the surgery is often done in a major medical center. The standard treatment is removal of the tumor (adrenalectomy). Besides the essential preoperative management, blood pressure has to be controlled with specific drugs during surgery and patients vigorously hydrated to avoid hypotension (low blood pressure) once the tumor is removed. Five-Year Survival Over 95 percent Metastatic The pheochromocytoma has spread to nearby lymph nodes , adjacent tissues or to distant sites. Standard Treatment If the pheochromocytoma has spread, it is still treated with aggressive surgery to remove all visible evidence of disease. This is to reduce the excess hormone production that causes many of the clinical problems these patients have. Long-term medical treatment decreases symptoms due to excess hormones. The same medical preparation used for patients with localized tumors is essential.